Toyota Motor Philippines

See how you can travel safe and hassle-free with your pets i

24 Nov 2020

For a lot of us, our pets are more than just animal companions, they’re a part of our family. And it’s kind of sad to leave family behind on family trips. But traveling with a pet is a little more challenging than traveling with a human companion. Here are a few tips to make drives with your furry friends a breeze.
Get them used to the car: Car rides can be scary for pets. The enclosed space, the noise, the vibration, the bumps and movement. In some instances, the car itself can be threatening to them, even before they set foot inside. Start your pet off with short sits in the car, to get them used to it. If you’re using a car carrier or car seat, get them used to sitting inside of it, as well. It may take some time, and a lot of short trips around the block, but acclimatization is often the key to overcoming travel anxiety in pets.

Pre-Trip Planning: It’s handy to keep a list of pet-friendly establishments and stores on file, and to base your trip itinerary around that. Also plan out your rest breaks ahead of time, mapping out spots where you and your pet can stretch your legs.
Pre-Trip Pet Prep: It’s always easier to take a trip with your pet if you exercise them beforehand, to let them run off their excess energy. Make sure your doggos have done their number twos, if possible. Give them light meals an hour or two before trips, and make sure you’ve got their water, food, cleaning/grooming supplies, and toys all packed.
Pre-Trip Car Prep: Whether you have a car carrier, car seat, or just a few blankets for your pet to sit on, securing them in their zone is important. Car carriers should be big enough for your pet to move around in, and should be strapped in or secured in the back seat or trunk, to prevent them from sliding or flying around in an accident. If your pets are too big for a carrier, you can allow them to sit in the back seat or trunk, but they should ideally be secured, with a safety net to keep them from flying forward in a sudden stop. You may also want to invest in water-resistant seat covers and rubber mats if your big pets travel with you often.

Keep Them Calm: Talking to your pet while you travel and engaging their attention can help keep them calm on long trips. Having their favorite toy, pillow or blanket in the car helps as well. Whatever you do, don’t let them hang their heads out the window. This may be fun for them, but it is quite dangerous!

Never Leave Your Pets Behind! Don’t leave pets inside a parked car. An hour in the sun on a 35-degree day can have the inside of the car reach a deadly 60 degrees Celsius! Even cranking the windows down a bit doesn’t help much, as the car is basically a giant oven. On the other hand, leaving them inside the car with the AC on can expose them to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, if the car is inside a parking structure—not to mention the danger of theft, or of your pet damaging the interior of the vehicle due to the stress of being alone! Take your pet with you, whenever you leave the vehicle. Otherwise, why bring them in the first place?
Keep Your Car Pet-Friendly: If you have a long term commitment with your pets and plan on traveling with them a lot, it pays to have a car with good safety features and enough space so that you can keep your pets and cargo separate. Several Toyota models like the Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Innova, and Toyota Rush tick all of the boxes of flexibility, safety, and comfort that can definitely answer any and very pet-friendly car concern.
It would be prudent to invest in accessories that will make travel with them easier, such as safety nets and cages and rubber floor mats. Beyond that, regularly cleaning and disinfecting the car is a good idea if you travel with your pets, to prevent the buildup of bacteria and mold on the interior and in the ventilation system.
Traveling with pets isn’t easy, but with the right mindset and the right car, it can be rewarding.